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Knowledge Base

Shipping & Tracking
How do I track my shipment?
Our logistics partner will provide you with a tracking code.
How do I pick up coffee myself?
You have the option of picking up your coffee at the warehouse
What if my coffee arrives damaged or underweight?
Millions of pounds of green coffee move across the face of the planet every day and it doesn’t always go as planned...
Can I consolidate my Covoya order with another importer?
If you want to consolidate a pallet with bags from another importer you can select 'warehouse pickup' and add details in the comments
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Buying Online
How do I check out online?
Buying green coffee on our website is far from complicated, but there are important details to double check along the way.
How do I use the "Save For Later" tool?
Use the wishlist tool to help you organize and keep track of coffee that you're interested in
How do I create an online account?
Here are some things to know before requesting an account online. For the time being, website accounts are geared toward supporting the businesses of active coffee roasting companies.
What is Splitit?
Splitit is an innovative Buy Now Pay Later solution which utilises your existing credit card facility
How do I request samples online?
You can order up to six complimentary samples of green coffee at a time with free shipping.
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Origin Insights
Where can I learn about green coffee from Asia?
We aim to provide our roasters with ample resources for all coffee origins.
How can I learn about coffees from Africa & the Middle East?
Learn about the coffee history of some of the origins we source from in Africa and The Middle East. Dive deep into these countries' historical facts and coffee stories.
How can I learn about Latin American green coffee origins?
Discover the rich coffee history of Latin America and the Caribbean and learn some fun facts
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Quality Control
How does Covoya cup and score coffee?
Our coffees are cupped using industry-wide standards as developed for Q-Grader certification...
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